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AMLSCN, Kogi State Chapter Seeks Stronger Collaboration with FUL


Following the recent approval granted by the National Universities Commission (NUC) for the establishment of the Medical Laboratory Science (B.MLS) programme at the Federal University Lokoja, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Olayemi Akinwumi, and his management team played host to members of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSCN), Kogi State chapter, during a working visit, to strengthen the ties between the Association and the University.

The Association under the chairmanship of Comrade Obajemu Samuel had advocated for the establishment of the Medical Laboratory programme at the University to complement the thriving MB;BS and Nursing programmes of the University's College of Health Sciences. The creation of the new programmes aims to benefit not just the good people of Kogi State alone, but the entire North-Central region by producing more qualified medical professionals.

The delegation was led by Professor Tunji Akande, an erudite scholar and renowned Medical Laboratory Scientist with many years of experience.

Speaking during the meeting held in the Vice-Chancellor's committee room on June 5, 2024, the medical laboratory scientists appreciated the determination of Professor Akinwumi-led administration in attracting remarkable development to the University and assured him of their support for the new programme.

While expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Professor Akande underscored the importance of the visit and the significance of the MLS programme to any university. He pledged to volunteer his expertise and experience to ensure that the programme meets the necessary accreditation requirements.

The delegation emphasized the practical nature of MLS programme, stating that more medical laboratories will be needed to support the excellent work already being done at the Federal Teaching Hospital, Lokoja.

Reacting, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olayemi Akinwumi expressed appreciation for the organization's support since the inception of his administration, particularly their role in ensuring the launch of the MLS programme at Federal University Lokoja. He commended the association's leadership for providing the necessary guidelines that saw the University during the approval process by the Medical Laboratory Council.

Recognizing the potential impact of the MLS programme on Kogi State, the North-central geopolitical zone, and the country at large, Professor Akinwumi noted that with the support of AMLSCN, his administration was committed to the smooth take-off of the programme with the first set of students expected to be admitted before the end of the year. He added that the programme would be domiciled in the College of Health Sciences, with strong synergy between the Provost and the Department, anticipating that the model would serve as an example for other universities.

Other members of the delegation included Dr Mrs Grace Itodo, Dr Cyril Agu, Dr. Isaac Emeje, Mr Peter Olundu, Mr John Onuche, Mrs Bolanle Oshadare, Mr Dogo Duniya. Also present at the meeting were Principal Officers of the University including the Provost, College of Health Sciences, and representatives from the Directorate of Academic Planning. See more pictures here